XII International Theoretical and Methodological Seminar and IX International Сontest of Young Scientists on the topic: “Imaginary, archetypes and public administration”. Preview

Dear colleagues, 

The Department of Public Policy and Political Analysis of the National Academy of Public  Administration under the President of Ukraine invites scientists to participate in the annual  scientific events of the Ukrainian School of Archetypes (USA): International Theoretical and  Methodological Seminar and the International Competition for Young Scientists IX on the  topic: Imaginary, Archetypes and Public Administration.

The annual scientific events of the USA 2021 will be held within the framework of the  Franco-Ukrainian International Symposium: Imaginary and Everyday Life: Theoretical  Approaches to the Works of Gilbert Durand, organized by the European Imaginary Notebooks Journal, Center for Modernity and Everyday Life and the LERSEM-IRSA EA4584 Laboratory of  Sociology of Paul Valéry University Montpellier 3 from the French side; and Ukrainian School of  Archetypes (USA) of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of  Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Public Administration, Institute of Economics and  Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the NAPS,  Ukrainian Technological Academy, and Ukrainian Society for Social Innovation from the  Ukrainian side.

Professor Gilbert Durand would have turned 100 on May 1, 2021.

That is why the journal, which he founded in 1988 with Michel Maffesoli and that it has  been called Cahiers européenne de l’imaginaire (European Imaginary Notebooks) (CNRS  Éditions), since 2009; Center for Modern and Everyday Studies, the Ukrainian School of  Archetypes of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine and  the LERSEM-IRSA EA4584 sociological laboratory of decided to honour his memory and deepen  his legacy.

To this end, a conference will be held on May 3 and 5, 2021, in two places of particular  importance to Gilbert Durand: (Louis Liard Hall), where he received his higher education after the  war as a student of Gaston Bachelard and where his closest student Michel worked for thirty years.  Maffesoli, to whom he entrusted the management of the Center for the Research Imaginary (CRI),  and Paul Valéry University Montpellier 3, where the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities is  located, which undoubtedly deals most with the sociology of the imaginary.

This is the Imaginary and Everyday Life: Theoretical Approaches to the Work of Gilbert  Durand International Symposium, dedicated to the study of Gilbert Durand’s work and its impact  on the social and humanitarian sciences of our time.

The organizers hope that this conference will honour Gilbert Durand and his contribution to  social development, attracting participants from all continents, all generations, and various  scientific and educational disciplines.

The main theme of the International Symposium, which covers both the essence of Gilbert  Durand’s work and the work of his followers, including CEAQ, LERSEM-IRSA, Cahiers  européenne de l’imaginaire and the Ukrainian School of Archetypes, is Imaginary, Archetypes  and Public Administration, which, will be the topic of the XII TMS-2021 and the reports of the  participants of the annual events of the USA.

Traditionally, as part of the annual events of the USA will take place IX MKMN-2021 – International Competition of Young Scientists on the same topic: Imaginary, Archetypes and Public  Administration.

Undergraduates, graduate students, PhD and Candidates of Sciences (PhD) under the age of  35 from all scientific and educational specialities are invited to participate in the competition.

The International Competition Commission of Experts from Kazakhstan, Poland, the USA,  Ukraine, France will determine the best works of the contestants, which will be awarded with  incentive cash prizes:

1st prize: $ 200
2nd prize: $ 150
3rd prize: $ 100

The software framework of the scientific forum in 2021 will determine the issues of public  administration, the solution of which will be carried out according to the methodology of the  French anthropologist and sociologist Gilbert Durand.

The purpose of the event: to unite based on Gilbert Durand’s methodology interdisciplinary  efforts of representatives of social and humanitarian knowledge around the solution of theoretical  and practical problems of public administration.

Date: April 26 – May 10, 2021 (including an internship at Paul Valéry University  Montpellier 3, the Loire castles and Normandy pre- and post-conference tours).

Venue: May 3 – Paris, Sorbonne University; May 5 – Montpellier, Paul Valéry University  Montpellier 3 (France).

Working languages: Ukrainian, French.

Registration fee: missing.

Travel and accommodation expenses will be borne by the participants of the conference or  the organization that sends them. Paul Valéry University Montpellier 3 is ready to provide  invitations for participants who expect support from their home institution.

More details on the link: https://usarch.org/en/теоретико-методологічні-семінари/imaginary-archetypes-and-public-administration-information-sheet/#/


Excursion program “Elegant France”

Route: Uzhgorod (Ukraine) – Kosice (Slovakia) – Prague (Czech Republic) – Paris (France) – castles of Normandy (France) – castles of Loire (France) – Lyon (France) – Montpellier (France) – Marseille (France) – Nice (France) –
lake Heviz (Hungary) – Uzhgorod (Ukraine)

Check-out dates: 04/26/2020 – 05/10/2020

12 nights / 13 days + 2 nights train
Departure from Kiev 04/26/2020

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