Congratulations Oristlava Sydorchuk!

We are proud of our participant and congratulate the newborn doctor of economic sciences Oristlav Sidorchuk

The community of the Ukrainian School of Archetype is proud of its participant and congratulates the new Doctor of Economics – Oristlav Sidorchuk, Assistant Professor of the Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine on her successful defense of Doctoral dissertation on National 08.00.03 – Economy and Management of National Economy.

Successfully completed a great research work, summarizes the latest and innovative research, which attests to the outstanding scientific achievements of our admirer!

This result, says our colleague, was made possible in 2011 due to her fateful acquaintance at the annual events of the Ukrainian School of Archetype in Egypt with Olga Fedorovna Novikov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics of Industry of the NAS of Ukraine, who also participated in the annual events of the Ukrainian School of Archetype.

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