Scientific forums
The main scientific forum of USArch is the annual Theoretical-methodological seminar “Archetypes and Public Administration” founded in 2010 with international participation. Its directedness is corrected each year. The sessions of TMS were mainly conceived as a format of scientific tourism. The routes of such journeys were specially discussed during the general discussion, e.g., in the frame of IV TMS-2013.
The key elements of a forum are the plenary sessions with scientific reports, which are grouped by panels. The culmination of a session is the general discussion. Depending on the number of participants, it is realized in the format of a two- or three-dimensional dynamical network by the method proposed by an active participant of USArch Taras Plakhtii. The reports of participants are published in Ukrainian and in Russian in the yearly special issue of the specialized journal “Public Administration: Theory and Practice,” which is published by the scientific speciality “Public Administration” of SCC of Ukraine and is included to the international scientometric bases of RISC (Russian Index of Scientific Citation).
We believe that a certain place among the forms of scientific communication will be occupied by a blogosphere of participants of USArch in the frame of the site “Ukrainian school of archetypics.”
Competitions of young scientists
With the purpose to develop the community of USArch, the annual International competition of young scientists was established in the frame of IV TMS-2013. This youth forum becomes more intensive from year to year. Moreover, the number of countries, whose representatives take participation in this competition, gradually increases.
In the frame of the competition, the international expert commission determines the winners. They and the authors of the best scientific reports have possibility to represent their key ideas on the special plenary session. As a result of the competition, the collections of winners’ works and the reports recognized to be the best are published in Ukrainian and in Russian.
The participants of TMS and the competitors obtain the copies of the journal and the collections of winners’ works, the certificate of a participant or a winner of the competition, as well as the badge of a participant of USArch.
USArch was established and is developing as an interdisciplinary applied scientific school. Therefore, its all scientific initiatives are closely related to the motivation to be applied in practice. In addition to the public-administrative practice, the participants of TMS are ready to realize their ideas in, first of all, the educational and business spheres (social-psychological trainings, masterclasses, individual consultations, etc.).